相信梦想,相信坚持梦想的力量。健信生物诚聘有志同仁共同创业,追逐梦想!机会包括President/partners, VP in Science, Operation, Business development (BD), Directors, Principal scientists and Scientists 等. 公司提供高薪和/或高比例股权/期权,创业空间和发展机会,以及常规福利保险等。有兴趣请简历发送:hr@lnlbio.com
目前急聘岗位/合伙人 CEO, 临床医学官,临床运营,战略发展VP, 资深研发人员等 :
岗位介绍:根据公司所从事的双特异抗体,三特异抗体等肿瘤免疫治疗创新药物、技术研发的方向,商务总监将开展相关业务拓展,包括C轮融资; 项目授权转让等业务交流和达成合作。战略副总裁负责公司战略层面部署,包括投资洽谈、C轮融资,项目国内、外授权;IPO规划等。待遇具体商谈,至少包括底薪,每项业务高比例提成,初始股权等,还可以以公司合伙人身份加入
1. 具有大分子药物领域研发背景,且从事相关商务工作3+年(商务总监)
2. 具有新药研发,特别大分子药物领域研发经验3+年; 并且从事相关商务工作4+年,并且有成功的项目洽谈转让和引入案例(战略副总裁)
3. 学历背景:生物学相关硕士, MBA/EMBA(商务总监); 生物学相关硕士/博士,MBA (战略副总裁)
4. 具有非常强的沟通、交流、处事能力
5. 具有良好团队合作意识、敬业以及创新创业精神。有兴趣创业者优先
BD Manager or Director or VP,
L&L Biopharma Co., LTD., Shanghai, China (www.lnlbio.com) is a clinical-stage biotech focused on the development of novel therapies for the treatment of cancers. The company focuses on exploring the first in class (FIC) bispecific/trispecific antibody products targeting post PD-1 market. Two products Bis5 and Bis2 are currently on the phase I study. We are looking for BD talents in different level including manager, director or VP to join in our team.
Job responsibilities:
- Identifies and develops business opportunities, including fund raising and product out-licensing
- Builds partnerships for the phase I and II studies of Bis2 and/or Bis5 in China and US
- Maintain and strengthens relationships with existing partnerships and investors
- Based in Shanghai and/or New Jersey or other states in US
- Strategic planning skills and knowledge of bi/tri-specific antibody for the treatment of cancers
- Excellent presentation and communication skills
- Ability to communicate accessibly and concisely about products to prospective partners and investors
- Bachelor’s degree in business administration, marketing, economy or related field. MBA with experience in biologics biotech is highly preferred
- 2+ years related experience is great
岗位介绍:负责整合公司内部和CRO资源,进行双特异抗体新药中国和美国 I,II,III期临床试验设计和运行管理。待遇:薪资+绩效+期权。汇报对象: CEO
1. 肿瘤免疫、医学相关专业博士学位,具有生物大分子药物(肿瘤领域,最好是单克隆抗体和/或双特异抗体)中国和或美国I期、II或III期临床试验方案设计、制定,组织运营和管理经验 5年以上
2. 具有肿瘤免疫领域双特异抗体或单克隆抗体药物I-III期临床方案设计制定成功案例
3. 具有肿瘤免疫领域大分子药物临床试验过程中临床医学相关工作的经验尤为优先
4. 至少3年以上团队管理,和临床CRO公司合作工作经验
1. 肿瘤免疫、分子生物学、临床医学,医学相关专业博士学位,负责完成过生物大分子药物,最好是单克隆抗体,或双特异抗体药物的临床I, II和/或 III期运营,管理经验3年以上
2. 具有生物大分子药物中国药监局(NMPA),美国药监局(FDA)临床申报经验更佳
3. 具有单克隆抗体药物临床前申报药理、药效、毒理等相关工作经验更佳
4. 至少3年以上团队管理,和临床 CRO公司合作工作经验